Stihl HLA 135 Cordless Long Reach Hedge Trimmer (Shell Only)

Stihl HLA 135 Cordless Long Reach Hedge Trimmer (Shell Only)




Technical data Value
Weight kg 1) 5.6
Blade length cm 60
Vibration value, right m/s2 2) 3.3
Tooth spacing mm 34
Stroke rate rpm 4.000
Vibration value, left m/s2 2) 2.5
Total length cm 249
Sound power level dB(A) 3) 96
Battery life time AP 100 min 4) up to 32
Battery life time AP 300 min 4) up to 77
Battery life time AP 300 S min 4) up to 90
Battery life time AP 200 min 4) up to 64
Cordless technology AP System
Recommended battery AP 300 S

1) With blade, with handle, without protection, without battery
2) K-factor according to DIR 2006/42/EC = 2m / s ²
3) K-factor according to DIR 2006/42/EC = 2.5 dB (A)
4) Battery life times are approximate and may vary depending on application

Additional information

Bar Size
